Patio at Moxie's |
Being the nice guy I am, I bought my girlfriend tickets for the Bruno Mars and Janelle Monae concert coming to Vancouver. The concert of course provided us with the opportunity to go and get food prior to the show which made me quite happy. We had originally gone to the Shark Club but after a drink and a look at the menu we decided to leave and go to Moxie's, which is right above it. I have never been to a Moxie's so I was happy to try something new. With the sun out I couldn't pass up an opportunity to make use of the patio so we got a table outside.
White Peach Bellini Moxie Size |
For drinks we went with the special for the night, the White peach Bellini's (Moxie sized of course). Being a guy Bellini's aren't exactly high up on my drink of choice list but being such a nice day out I was unable to resist ordering one. I was pretty happy when it came out because the drink was huge, definitely worth the extra $2 or so. I haven't had one of these in over 6 years (yes I was underage and it was just a sip) but I thought it tasted quite good. I enjoy sangria and peach isn't my favorite flavor but it was still a good drink.

So I got in trouble with my girlfriend because my camera apparently has more pictures of food on it than her.. it's the truth.. so I humoured her and we did a "Moxie's Photo shoot", I omited most of the pictures to save her embarrassment but I told her I'd put one on my blog to make her happy. Here she is enjoying her drink, please note that the straw is not even in her mouth, she is very special but I love her for that. I am happy that she doesn't get too embarrassed when I bring out my camera and don't let her eat anything before I take pics of it. Since this concert was her birthday present and we had already gotten in a small fight earlier I was on my best behavior and took many photos, Bruno Mars's white knight attitude must be rubbing off on me.
Calamari tossed w/ red oninos & tatziki |
I ordered the Calamari because I was craving it for some reason. Jess doesn't enjoy it so I had it all for myself. To b completely honest, although I thought it tasted good I have had much better. The outside wasn't very crispy which I like and it was a little too chewy. I thought it did taste good but I just wasn't wow'd by it. I did however enjoy the presentation, it looked quite nice and it wasn't an overall heavy dish which was good. I didn't feel like I was eating something deep fried and added lemon juice made it a light refreshing bite.
Avocado Spring Rolls with sweet chili sauce |
The second bit of food we ordered was the A
vocado Spring Rolls. These were really good I quite enjoyed them. There was a sweet chili sauce to dip them in but I enjoyed them more on their own. The outside was nice and crispy while the avocado inside added a nice soft component..I believe you could call it contrasting textures?
Broccoli & Cheese soup |
My girlfriend ordered the B
roccoli Cheese Soup, which I only got a couple spoonfuls of. I thought it tasted very good and she greedily finished it off before I could try more.. :( I haven't really ever had a bad broccoli and cheese soup before, even at a fast food chain like quizno's I still think it tastes good, I'm sure they all come from the same place anyways. We just ordered these three appetizers because we weren't super hungry and just wanted something light to enjoy before our eyes got destroyed in Rogers arena. It seemed to me that everyone else eating out on the patio was also going to the Bruno Mars concert..a large % of them being female (go figure right?).

To end things off we got the
bite of White Chocolate Brownie. For me this was a perfect sized dessert to share since I can only handle so much sweetness. It was actually really good, which is a lot coming from a guy that doesn't enjoy sweets. For $3 I was impressed with the presentation and the taste of the dish, I'd hate to try and eat the $9 regular size.
Final Thoughts: I enjoyed the meal, the waitresses were incredibly nice and the food was over the top outstanding but good solid food. In the end the concert wasn't that bad, I've never seen that many girls screaming at the same time..I think it is because I was there, who knows.
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