You would think, being in Seattle we would opt for something a little more exciting for lunch but nope, we were getting hungry and the closest place nearby was Ivar's.
This is probably one of their busier locations since it is right on the water front and the volume of people going by is quite high.

There was an actual sit down restaurant called Ivar's Acres of Clams, but we chose to just do things quick and get our food concession style.
It was a bit of a zoo, I took a picture and unfortunately it had calmed down a bit so you don't get much of a sense of the madness that is people trying to line up.

There was seating nearby which consisted of a gazebo type deal with table inside. There was also seating that stretched out along the outside of the restaurant.
Normally I would have loved to get some sunshine while I ate my food but there was something special about this place...the Seagulls.

I thought these signs were meant to be funny...but others seemed to abide by them, let's just say the Seagulls in the area were not going hungry.
I would love a sign that said Peter's Welcome, so that when I am in need I will be fed.
As you can see, the gulls just line up along the fence waiting for kids (or adults) to throw them fries and other goodies.
I won't go into a rant about kids starving in other parts of the world, but I mean common...seagulls...really?
It was amusing to watch though and I took a couple videos.

Alright, time to get to the actual food..it seems I got a little side tracked. I have a weird obsession with oysters and I love eating them raw...I figured I would also like them fried, so I ordered some
Fried Oysters...... I do not like oysters fried, maybe it was the type of oysters but I was not a big fan of these, the fries were great, but the oysters I will pass on next time.

Making a wise decision my girlfriend ordered
Fish and Chips (sometimes you just gotta go with what's good). These were good, I admit I sulked a bit, watching her enjoy her fish while I slowly ate my oysters.
We ended up buying some Ivar's Chowder from a grocery store, I tried it when we got home and I must say it was pretty good.
Ivar's seems to be a favorite of those in Seattle and I would encourage you to try it, at least once..we ended up having it a couple of times on our trip FYI the fried clam strips are excellent.
Oof, I could really go for some fish and chips right about now.